What we do

I believe we all have our own unique story to tell. 

And that our homes are a canvas. 

It doesn’t need a gut renovation.

Or a complete design overhaul.

It doesn’t have to be complicated or overwhelming. 

It just needs more you. And I can help.

My passion is to help revitalize any home or commercial space in need of a “makeover” or a total overhaul in the accessories department.  Specializing in styling and layering spaces for the past 20 years, I love to create the ideal environment for my clients. My top priority is to figure out what is important to the people I’m working with and how they want others to feel when they enter the space we are creating together. I love to repurpose what I can before reaching out to my extensive network of vintage vendors and specialty boutiques with whom I have long-standing relationships to find the perfect pieces for my clients’ spaces. Of course, if it is a commercial space, the process will be slightly different, but the end result will be the same!

Almost anything I purchase for a job I receive designer discounts. Once everything is pulled and purchased, I will return to the space(s) with all of the objects collected and work my magic before presenting the space(s) to my clients. Anything I don’t use will be returned and credited back.  For rates & more information email info@debrabaumdesign.com.

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